Chapter 5. Web Interface concepts
Now that eDocs is installed, we will introduce you to the concepts involved in using the web interface.
In describing the web interface we will use some of the following terms:
- Node
A node is a document type in which documents where imported to from your ERP/accounting system, scanned in
from the Scan Client, or uploaded directly through the web interface.
- Category
A category is a parent to a node. It will contain a whole set of nodes that relate to that category. A
eDocs system can have multiple categories.
- Index
An index is a column within the document listing that will describe certain attributes of the document and
can be used when searching for documents that have specific value. The indexes are not predefined and can
be changed as and when neccessary.
- Envelopes
An envelope is the packaging of the of a document and it destination details, subject and message body. This
is used when sending e-mails, FTPs, print jobs or zipping documnets you want to download onto your machine.
- Uploading
Uploading is the act of putting a document onto the server from your machine or external drive.